Recommendations for books, videos, websites, and other resources for people interested in sociocracy and democracy. Topics are wide-ranging: democracy, sociocracy, governance, organizational structure, decision-making, power, politics, etc. Unrelated sources often provide deeper understanding.
By David Bollier.
Drawing on their worldwide work with schools, tech ventures, and other projects and organizationsThe Delibrative Democracy Consortium (DDC)u is an alliance o..., Ted Rau and Jerry Koch-Gonzalez, Cofounders of Sociocracy for All, explain how Sociocracy provides a fair, effective, commons-based system of deliberation and decisionmaking.
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The following books are the core of studies available in English. There are many more articles and books listed in WorldCat and works in other languages.
Gerard Endenburg
Works by Gerard Endenburg were originally published in Dutch during the 19980’s. Not all of his work has been translated. Most were reprinted in the late 20th century by Eburon, a university press in Delft. WorldCat is a good resource for finding copies in libraries. Sometimes there… Read More . . . “Resources on Sociocracy”
Kees Boeke was an internationally known peace activist and educator. During WW II when he was arrested for harboring Jews, in his pocket he had an early draft of a declaration entitled “No Dictatorship.” It could have cost him his life, but he was released. It described a plan for a truly democratic society and was first published in May of 1945 as Sociocracy: Democracy as It Might Be. This version was edited by his… Read More . . . ““Sociocracy: Democracy as It Might Be” by Kees Boeke”
Last year we discussed a symbol for sociocracy, Symbol of Sociocracy? — a logo. The symbol that has often emerged in workshops is the tree or tree-like networks.
Well, we now have many more reasons to adopt the tree. A review on today’s New York Times of The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate — Discoveries From a Secret World by German forest ranger Peter Wohlleben explains how trees have social… Read More . . . “A Symbol for Sociocracy: The Tree”
How to start a movement?
A fabulous 3-minute video by Derek Sivers on how to start a movement.
The first follower is an underestimated form of leadership in itself… The first follower is what transforms a lone nut into a leader.
The leader has to have the courage to stand alone, and then make it easy to be followed, to share openly. The leader must support the first followers as equals, not as subordinates.… Read More . . . “Followers Make Movements”
Please Join the eMail Discussion Group
The sociocracy email discussion list was started in 2002. The list language is English, but members speak many languages if you have translation questions. We discuss anything related to sociocracy, democracy, and collaborative governance.
This site is a resource on sociocracy and democracy and the ways they support each other. It examines the principles and practices and the ways in which together they could better achieve their objectives. How would things get done in a sociocratic democracy?