Recommendations for books, videos, websites, and other resources for people interested in sociocracy and democracy. Topics are wide-ranging: democracy, sociocracy, governance, organizational structure, decision-making, power, politics, etc. Unrelated sources often provide deeper understanding.
How can people participate in decision-making if they don’t have access to information? Can those denied both education and knowledge of governance in any form be held responsible when they elect corrupt leaders?
Transparency is fundamental to accountability and an inclusive society.
Reading an article in the New York Times this morning on the lives of two women in Angola, Two Women, Opposite Fortunes, I discovered Transparency International. Transparency International was started in 1993 by… Read More . . . “Transparency International”
Well-received biography of Kees Boeke in Dutch by Daniela Hooghiemstra, a noted Dutch Biographer.
Available from
De christen-pacifist Kees Boeke (1884- 1966) wordt wel ‘onderwijshervormer’ genoemd maar hij beoogde niet minder dan de stichting van een nieuwe wereld. Toen de poging om die gemeenschap te stichten mislukte, besloot Boeke een school te stichten waar de ‘nieuwe wereld’ van de grond af opgebouwd moest worden. Deze unieke school kreeg na de Tweede Wereldoorlog een… Read More . . . “A Biography of Kees Boeke”
A wonderful discovery today, “As work gets more complex, 6 rules to simplify,” a TED Talk by Yves Morieux. Morieux is a senior partner in the Washington DC office of the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and director of the BCG Institute for Organization. He studies how changes in structure can improve motivation for employees.
“Smart Simplicity” uses six key rules that encourage cooperation to solve long-term problems. Not by just reducing costs and increasing profit,… Read More . . . “Yves Morieux: Smart Simplicity”
The link below is to a webinar, Introduction to Holacracy, by Brian Robertson, the founder of Holacracy. It is very well done, a good introduction to Holacracy—very clear and not obtuse theorizing. Since much of the structure of Holacracy is the same a sociocracy, it will also help in the understanding sociocracy.
As a former software programmer, Robertson uses the operating system as an analogy. Holacracy is the operating system and the specifics of the… Read More . . . “Introduction to Holacracy”
I highly recommend Donnella Meadow‘s little book, Thinking in Systems: A Primer (Chelsea Green 2008). It’s short, fun, and to the point. No math or physics required. Recommended for everyone, literally.
In clear, humorous, commonplace situations, Meadows explains the use of systems analysis and how it can be applied in both large-scale and individual problem solving. She moves from simple to more complex examples ultimately explaining the complex ways that feedback loops are used to… Read More . . . “Thinking in Systems by Donnella Meadows”
Beyond Democracy: The Film by Ted Millich consists of interviews with international leaders and consultants in sociocracy. The interviews were done over a period of several years and include Gerard Endenburg, John Buck. and Frank Karsten. Some excerpts are available on YouTube.
The film has menus and subtitles in English, Dutch, French, and German.
Ted Millich also publishes a video blog on YouTube. (He’s an interesting speaker.)
Please Join the eMail Discussion Group
The sociocracy email discussion list was started in 2002. The list language is English, but members speak many languages if you have translation questions. We discuss anything related to sociocracy, democracy, and collaborative governance.
This site is a resource on sociocracy and democracy and the ways they support each other. It examines the principles and practices and the ways in which together they could better achieve their objectives. How would things get done in a sociocratic democracy?