Since sociocracy was introduced in North America, problems with the name “sociocracy” have hounded it. Unlike European countries, Americans associate sociocracy negatively with “socialism,” sociocracy is harder to say in English than in many other languages. Unfortunately, the rejection of the word “sociocracy” and the use of alternatives continue to confuse the public and obstruct efforts to develop a cohesive image, a “brand” in the current marketing vernacular.
A Solution for Branding Sociocracy
Some of the various names for methods based on the principles fo sociocracy are Dynamic Governance, Bio-Dynamic Governance, Dynamic Self-Governance, Holacracy, and most recently, Circle Forward. All are unique in emphasis and aim but share the same principles. One solution to unifying the field would for all to use a common phrase as a subtitle or in descriptive content. “Implementing the principles of sociocracy” or “an implementation of sociocracy.” This would clarify confusion and unify forces while allowing unique identities, business branding, etc.
Acknowledging a common methodological base would also encourage more dialogue about the nature if that base. This kind of dialogue about methods of teaching and practicing would be valuable to all. It would provide the kind of analysis that is necessary to the further development and application of sociocracy.
Categories: History and Philosophy