Understanding the history and theory of both democracy and sociocracy provides a deeper understanding of the principles and practices of what a sociocracy or sociocratic democracy might be, and why. Knowing the intention and development of an idea supports the meaningful application of its principles and practices in everyday life.
This interview is about a town in DK that is introducing sociocracy – hear more in this interview:
More recordings from the SoFA sociocracy conference! http://sociocracyforall.org/global-sociocracy-conference-2022/
By David Bollier.
Drawing on their worldwide work with schools, tech ventures, and other projects and organizationsThe Delibrative Democracy Consortium (DDC)u is an alliance o..., Ted Rau and Jerry Koch-Gonzalez, Cofounders of Sociocracy for All, explain how Sociocracy provides a fair, effective, commons-based system of deliberation and decisionmaking.
Listen to the podcast
When connecting around needs and empathizing with feelings is going on, people don’t get hung up on strategies. Why not table discussion of strategies until there is universal agreement that all parties fully and deeply understand and appreciate each other’s feelings and needs? Then strategies need not be points of conflict—but points of creativity to find solutions that work for all.
Strategies vs trust
In the first sociocratic organization, Kees and Betty Boeke’s Children’s Community… Read More . . . “Conflict Resolution: Strategies vs Trust”
In 2010, I asserted with no evidence what-so-ever that more than 99% of the world’s population had no knowledge of sociocracy. In a world growing even more democratic, the world’s most deeply democratic method of governance was a punctuation mark far off to the left. Someone might have a method of measuring this more precisely, but I have a quick way: Google Search on “Sociocracy.” It may not be scientific but it’s an independent source… Read More . . . “The Google Count on Google Search: Sociocracy Rises”
The board of a wildlife federation reaches consensus on a plan to save a threatened wild bird’s habitat. Then they delete the budget for legal action. A Senate committee unanimously recommends legislation after adding amendments for unrelated items. They gave each Senator something they wanted. A bike trail organization stops protesting a new parking lot when it was promised a wider bike path.
Is this the same kind of push and pull that is required… Read More . . . “Consensus, Compromise, or Pay Off?”
Kees Boeke was an internationally known peace activist and educator. During WW II when he was arrested for harboring Jews, in his pocket he had an early draft of a declaration entitled “No Dictatorship.” It could have cost him his life, but he was released. It described a plan for a truly democratic society and was first published in May of 1945 as Sociocracy: Democracy as It Might Be. This version was edited by his… Read More . . . ““Sociocracy: Democracy as It Might Be” by Kees Boeke”
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The sociocracy email discussion list was started in 2002. The list language is English, but members speak many languages if you have translation questions. We discuss anything related to sociocracy, democracy, and collaborative governance.
This site is a resource on sociocracy and democracy and the ways they support each other. It examines the principles and practices and the ways in which together they could better achieve their objectives. How would things get done in a sociocratic democracy?