Three new articles discussing inclusion and hierarchies, and other issues raised by the Zappos adoption of Holacracy. These are real articles examining the pros and cons of the promises of Holacracy and sociocracy, not reactions or quotes from press releases.
1. Andrew Hill of The Financial Times: Zappos and the Collapse of Corporate Hierarchies.
2. A response from Norman Pickavance of Blueprint for Better Business in Linton, N. Yorks, UK: The Four Levels of Decision-Making.
3. Sally Helgesen, author of The Web of Inclusion: Architecture for Building Great Organizations (2005 reprint of 1995 edition) on the Strategy+Business site: An Extreme Take on Restructuring: No Job Titles?
We desperately need professional, published accounts with full measurements of organizationsThe Delibrative Democracy Consortium (DDC)u is an alliance o... More that have adopted sociocracy. That’s what business people need before they pay attention. Scientifically acceptable measurements. Peer-reviewed and published.
Categories: History and Philosophy, In the Workplace