Tag: hierarchy Hierarchies
A hierarchy is the arrangement of a set of entities. It is used in biology to organize trees, insects, etc., into related groupings with specific characteristics. In the governance of organizations it is used to organize decision-making, management, and production. There are many forms of hierarchies: circular, autocratic, democratic, sociocratic, horizontal, etc. The one with which most people identify as a “hierarchy” is an autocratic hierarchy.
Three new articles discussing inclusion and hierarchies, and other issues raised by the Zappos adoption of Holacracy. These are real articles examining the pros and cons of the promises of Holacracy and sociocracy, not reactions or quotes from press releases.
1. Andrew Hill of The Financial Times: Zappos and the Collapse of Corporate Hierarchies.
2. A response from Norman Pickavance of Blueprint for Better Business in Linton, N. Yorks, UK: The Four Levels of Decision-Making.… Read More . . . “Inclusion and Hierarchies: New Articles on Zappos” How does equality and freedom work in a family when a child’s ability to make decisions without harming themselves or others is inherently unequal? How can a family apply sociocratic principles if children cannot consent to the decisions that affect them? Can a family be a hierarchy and still be nurturing or does it have to be a hierarchy in order to be nurturing?
Most people agree that children are not born with the ability… Read More . . . “Is a Family a Hierarchy?”