Tag: Living Well

Videos on Sociocracy by People Using It

The  Sociocracy Consulting Group website  has a collection a of resources including videos explaining sociocracy and featuring people who are using sociocracy in their organizationsThe Delibrative Democracy Consortium (DDC)u is an alliance o... More.  A sampling of those available is listed below. At this writing they are all on one page, just scroll down to find the ones you would like to watch. (The links within each listing are to the organizations represented, not the… Read More . . . “Videos on Sociocracy by People Using It”

Living Well Community Care Home

Living Well Community Care Home is an award-winning elder care facility in Bristol, VT. It was transitioning to sociocracy (dynamic governance) before 2005, working with John Buck. This article by Sarah Lozenova at Triple Pundit is available online: How This Residential Care Home Bumped Employee Engagement Into Overdrive (Living Well Community Care Home is now a part of Ethan Allen Residence in Burlington, VT.)