Tag: Sociocratic Circle-Organization Method (SCM)

Sociocracy Today

Sociocratisch Centrum In 1978 Endenburg established the Sociocratisch Centrum in Utrecht, later moved to Rotterdam and renamed The Sociocracy Group,  and began consulting with many organizationsThe Delibrative Democracy Consortium (DDC)u is an alliance o... More to implement the Sociocratic Circle-Organization Method. He also joined the faculty of the school of business at the University of Maastricht and began training business leaders. In 2014, Endenburg has partially retired but still influences decisions related to the growth… Read More . . . “Sociocracy Today”

Consent vs Consensus : Laird Schaub on Sociocracy

Laird Schaub Laird Schaub helped found and has been living in Sandhill Farm, an intentional, income sharing community in Rutledge, Missouri since 1974. His community is very small, less than 10 adults, but his experience is very broad. He has been doing training and consulting in governance and consensus decision-making since 1987. He gives several workshops on decision-making, facilitation, proposal writing, delegation, etc., at the annual Cohousing Association Conferences. He is the Executive Secretary  and Development Coordinator… Read More . . . “Consent vs Consensus : Laird Schaub on Sociocracy”

What Is Sociocracy and Why Does Democracy Need it?

Let’s start with “What is Sociocracy?” A quick answer is that sociocracy is both: A social ideal that values equality and the rights of people to determine the conditions under which they live and work, and An effective method of organizing associations, businesses, and governments, large and small. The history of group decision making is of course as old as life itself, and humans have been doing it for millenia. There is much to be… Read More . . . “What Is Sociocracy and Why Does Democracy Need it?”

Gerard Endenburg: The Sociocratic Circle-Organization Method

Photograph of Gerard Endenburg in 2010 A Sociocracy for Business It was a graduate of the Boekes’ school, Dutch electrical engineer Gerard Endenburg, who developed a method for implementing sociocracy in a competitive, results-oriented corporation. After completing his military service, he worked at Philips where he invented the small speakers still used in mobile devices. In 1968, he became the managing director of this family’s electrical engineering company, Endenburg Electric. As an engineer, Gerard Endenburg found it frustrating that he could… Read More . . . “Gerard Endenburg: The Sociocratic Circle-Organization Method”